What are some different types of grounding electrodes?

What are some different types of grounding electrodes? - E&S Grounding Solutions
  • 10 feet of the water pipe is in direct contact with the earth
  • Joints must be electrically continuous
  • Water meters may not be relied upon for the grounding path
  • Bonding jumpers must be used around any insulating joints, pipe or meters
  • Primary connection to the water pipe must be on the street side of the water meter
  • Primary connection to the water pipe shall be within five feet of the point of entrance to the building
  • The National Electric Code requires that water pipes be bonded to ground, even if water pipes are not used as part of the grounding system.
Driven Rod Grounding Plate Concrete Encased Electrode Building Foundation Water Pipe Electrolytic Electrode
Resistance-to-Ground (RTG) Poor Poor Average Above Average Poor to Excellent** Excellent
Corrosion Resistance Poor Poor Good * Good * Varies High
Increase in RTG in Cold Weather Highly Affected Highly Affected Slightly Affected Slightly Affected Minimally Affected Minimally Affected
Increase in RTG over Time RTG Worsens RTG Increases RTG typically unaffected RTG typically unaffected RTG typically unaffected RTG Improves
Electrode Ampacity Poor Average Average * Above Average * Poor to Excellent** Excellent
Installation Cost Average Below Average Below Average Average Average Poor
Life Expectancy Poor 5–10 yrs Poor 5-10 years Average *15-20 years Above Average *20-30 yrs Below Average*10-15 yrs Excellent30-50 yrs
metallic, electrode system, resistance, aluminum, grounding, electrodes, Electrical, Grounding & Earthing Below-Grade Electrodes, Grounding & Earthing Applications
What other types of grounding electrodes are there apart from ground rods? - E&S Grounding Ask the Experts
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